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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Feeling Like The Holidays

I dont know why, But i felt like making halloween cakes. so here is some of the things i made... not the best things i have made, but what the heck. I like them.

Well.. these arent very halloween-like. but on the other hand.....mmmmm....yummy!

The canes shown below will later be cut up into smaller canes
and used to make candy canes.
They look huge in the picture but they are really small in real life.
I tried to experiment by making some form of water. This is for the garden scape or on the porch...or even in the living room of a very fancy house.
(its about the size of a quarter)

O.K. here it is!
(Pretty much every thing is the size of a quarter or smaller)

 YAY!!! Jack-o-lanterns!
 I know this is less-than-appealing~ But i stand by my performance...and i think it is cute!

And somewhere along the way... i felt like christmas.

Well i hope you have enjoyed everything so far. And i will be seeing you sometime soon!
And i should ask these ladies for lessons... They are like professionals when it comes to taking pictures!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My New Hobby

Hello my fellow Internet users! I trust that everybody had a pleasant 4th  of July. I apologize for not having updated earlier... my camera ran out of batteries so i never really got around to getting any!
Here is my new hobby...MAKING DOLLHOUSE FOOD!!! It is so addicting and just so fun! its not hard and there is practically no limit to how much i can make! Here are some of the things i have made.(I get most of my inspiration from Wal-mart) Enjoy!
     This is my "Zebra Cake"

here are my grapes and my grapes do need some form of improvement.
Cookies on a pan 
 A shish-ka-bob
 Orange slices
 Lime slices
 More Candies
 Kiwi ,Grapefruit, and lime slices
 Spaghetti and meatballs
 Hamburger and french fries
 Watermelons(the second watermelons are white because the watermelons at my Wal-Mart have been sitting outside for so long that they are now beginning to turn white!)
 Chocolate dipped strawberries
 A Cupcake
My" Patriotic Cookie"
 An Ice cream Cone with Sprinkles
 A chicken leg with mashed potatoes, gravy and carrots
 A Turkey leg, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, corn in the cob, and carrots.
 A Cherry Cake
 And my two candied cakes.

Well i hope you have enjoyed my pictures and i will soon have another post about
my new foods. until then, Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summertime is Here!!!

  Hello my fellow fans and users of the internet! I hope your summer is going great! So far, mine couldn't get any better! We went camping at Lathrop State Park this last week with the new camper we got... and it was definitely a trip to remember.
We went on hikes, bike rides, fishing, swimming( the water was a wee bit too cold.... shouldn't have done that....) and we went shopping around in Walsenburg. I bought a pair of knitting needles and some yarn so that is my new journey. Learning to knit. Not as easy as it looks.
 When we were camping, the skies turned a dark shade of grey, and the radio was going crazy saying " TORNADO WARNING FOR ALL SURROUNDING AREAS OF WALSENBURG"  ect.... so that was pretty spooky, and on the way back from eating lunch at the golf corse resturaunt, my mom was sitting in the back of the pickup truck, and she started yelling, " TORNADO!!!!!! TORNADO!!!!" and pionting to a little hill just to the right of us. My dad,driving the car, hit the brakes and jumped out of the car... then he started laughing. I was having a heart attack and mental pictures of our truck flying around in circles, sucked up by the tronado, with me in it going through my head and he was laughing. I thought he was crazy... then he started to say," Pole! It's a POLE!!!!!"We all laughed. That is definately a moment i will never forget.
     But enough about me, Lets talk about CROCHET! Here is my latest project, I have been working on this for a while, what do you think?

       Since I cut off the bottom in this is another pic....             
Do you like it? I was feeling kinda patriotic this week so this is what i whipped up.

 Well I hope you like what I have made and I am sorry to say that it is not currently for sale. I love it too much! Feel free to leave a comment and thanks for stopping by!
Happy Labor Day!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easter Bunnies Galore

Over these past few days I have managed to create a bundle of bunnies.  They are extremly cute, if I do say so myself.  :)  These are just some of the cutest ones I have made. My Mom talked me into creating something cute for Easter. So I managed to make a pattern after sitting down and experimenting for a few hours.  I am willing to take orders to match the ones shown below.  They are $7.00 each plus shipping. Here is the bunny "Clan" at their happiest.

     They are made to hold either a carrot, radish or onion.  I mainly have the colors shown in the pictures, but I also have others, just post a comment to ask what other colors I have. Their noses could be either a bead or crocheted. Their eye are beads, so NOT intended for children to play with (choking hazard).  Their ears could be fat, skinny, short, long, floppy or any other idea you might have... I can do anything!!  I can also make them with thread so they come out really tiny if you like. (however, the smaller ones cost 9.00 each)  Depending on what you or the bunny wants, they can wear a ribbon or a bow or nothing at all.
  Here is my Mom's favorite bunny. So far I have made 17 bunnies! Except for my Mom wants them all. ;)
 Please dont hesitate to leave a comment or email me if you are interested in ordering one...or two or however many
  Have a wonderful day and Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Small Bits of Luck Coming Your Way

And so there is another day of my crochet madness. i made these with cotton thread and very tiny needles! My eyes are still pretty sore from looking at them so close! After experimenting for an hour or two, i managed to come up with 2 new sizes.So now i have a large, medium and small shamrock... all available for purchase.
they aren't really that big.. but they are so cute!
the smallest one is the size of a penny. here is the small.

the medium.....

and of coarse.. the original.

 hope you like my new shamrocks!
leave me a comment or send me an e-mail!
have a wonderful day.